A breezy CRB - 20120211

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A breezy CRB - 20120211

Post by jbdba01 »


Executive Summary
1 angler, 3 snook 14-24"; winds 16-26, 55 degrees; water temp low to mid 60's

I could feel the walls closing in on me on Tues, and by Weds I was pretty much sure that come hell or high water I was getting out of the house on Saturday.

With winds predicted to be about 20, I was debating a river trip but decided that at Cockroach Bay I could find somewhere out of the winds, and frankly the forecast of partly cloudy to mostly sunny seemed OK. Granted the front would probably snuff out catching fish, but I figured at some point they would have to eat.

The day started out nice enough - breezy (10-12 knots as expected) and around 55 degrees. Not having a partner wasn't anything unusual, but I made sure that my PFD was secured. Realistically the 25 yard run across the channel was the only real hazard I would face for the day. In the event of a flipping (highly unlikely) everywhere else I should be able to just stand up. To add a bit of luck to the trip a large dolphin came up for air about 10-15ft away from me. With no one else at the ramp I somewhat hastily crossed the channel. Not that I thought he would tip me over, but I really didn't want to be the first known kayaker flipped by a dolphin.

I worked my way West/Southwest with a steady 10-12 knot crosswind and hung a left at the first/second set of islands. I went about fishing the usual haunts and had a good goose egg going. Knowing it was going to be another eco-tour day, I just kept heading West/SouthWest until I ran out of water and then swung South. I didn't recall seeing the Canoe Trail sign before but I figured what the heck, I'll give it a whirl. I found myself in a mangrove tunnel and figured I would take a couple shots - course setting up the shot I managed to spook a couple reds.


Soon enough I found myself lost in the maze of creeks and trees, but I knew how to find the way out. Due North was the howling wind and I knew that somewhere along the line there was a break in the trees. Push come to shove I could wander out into the bay and get a good workout paddling/walking into the headwind.

Fortunately things opened up and surprisingly I somehow found myself in a quiet area with 1-2 tailing reds. I placed (not dropped) anchor and fan cast just about every lure I could think of - plastics, spoons, topwater... Regardless, these reds weren't eating what I had to offer.

I kept paddling West and the water opened up and I found myself in roost (if that's what you call them) of Ibis. Seeing the Pelicans eating I was somewhat optimistic about fishing again. Figuring the fish were where the bait was I head towards them, but not before getting a couple shots. Seems the birds had figured out that the flying in windy conditions wasn't a good idea. By now you could hear the winds starting to pick up, but buffeted by the mangroves I was somewhat sheltered.


Getting to close to the birds I probably spooked everything out when the birds flew off, so I managed to keep my goose egg going.

After not having much success at the cut, I pushed through and standing up I saw a beast of a red in a about 10-12" of water . I managed to get off two solid presentations about 5 feet away from him but he ignored both.

I kept the eco-tour going and eventually I popped up to a spot that opened up to the bay. You could clearly see whitecaps over the horizon, and where the cut opened up the water was moving. I paddled across the deeper water and saw a huge tail - perhaps it was a small shark, or a huge snook. Whatever it was had a black back. Casting into the deeper water and fishing a paddle tail slowly off the bottom, I quickly hooked up to what I thought was a flounder. It ended up being a small snook - about 12-14". He posed for the obligatory profile shot and was released.


I started to make my way back the way I came but decided that if I could see another marker close the short cut was to head out into the bay - after about 100-150 yards of a good workout and heading into the 20 mph winds I managed to get back inside the mangroves. I fished a variety of areas, but the cloud cover came back and the winds picked up more. Once again I found myslf heading into the winds, but this time the water got a bit more turbulent, the sun disappeared, and things looked somewhat nasty. The only other boat I saw over the horizon was a cargo ship. A touch of contrast adds to the "drama" of the photo. Where I was it was blowing hard, but it was shallow.


I knew that rain was not in the forecast, but with the weather turning towards squall like conditions I headed back towards the ramp. It reminded me of the Jan 2011 PFTS. Going down the channel would have been a dicey situation so rather than go straight in, I let the wind push me Westward again. About 1/2 mile down was an opening I could hit. I zigzagged to out croppings and hit a couple "deeper" holes.

Seeing a bunch of finger mullet I switched out to a silver and black plastic 5" topped with a red jig head (I'll call the pattern the "Siver Britches" - go Dawgs). Seems that would be the ticket - I managed to get 2 more snook - one at 18" the other at 24".



After those fish I pretty much called it a day an paddled into the winds one more time. A good day exploring and fishing. I did manage to pick up a renegade milk crate that I found in the groves and brought it home. Perhaps Wonderboy can use it on our other kayak, if not someone on the forum probably can.

Funny how the fronts just buzzed through - sunny, cloudy, sunny, cloudy...

I closed out the day having a couple Sierra Nevadas with some relatives recounting the day - not a bad way to spend Sat.
Last edited by jbdba01 on Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: A breezy CRB - 20120211

Post by Lime Cider »

Gotta love it! Sweet report and photos.Image
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Re: A breezy CRB - 20120211

Post by Manning »

Nice report and pictures.
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Re: A breezy CRB - 20120211

Post by DaveR »

Credit is due. Not many ventured out this weekend.
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Re: A breezy CRB - 20120211

Post by airwinger63 »


How do you like your Wright & McGill Blair Wiggins S-Curve Saltwater Spinning Rods? I could see that you have three of them.. I've got the 6'9" @ 7'6" for a upcoming trip to the key's back country.

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Re: A breezy CRB - 20120211

Post by jbdba01 »

DaveR wrote:Credit is due. Not many ventured out this weekend.
Gotta say it was awesome being out there alone. Fish or no fish - I was the only one out there. I seriously didn't think I would catch anything hence all the pics. When I'm not in fishing mode - I switch to photography mode.

That said, I did follow all the usual solo safety protocols and a bit more.

Even though I got lost in the maze for a bit, I knew the area fairly well, once past the channel, I didn't venture out past knee deep water, filed a boat plan (and stuck to it), gps, "analog" compass, phone, I normally don't check in, but I did twice, PFD on 100% of the time.

The rawness of the weather made it that much enjoyable (course I was sheltered most of the time). It was almost surreal hearing the storm on the other side of the trees and being able to see it through the openings, but I was in glass like conditions.
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Re: A breezy CRB - 20120211

Post by jbdba01 »

airwinger63 wrote:Evening,

How do you like your Wright & McGill Blair Wiggins S-Curve Saltwater Spinning Rods? I could see that you have three of them.. I've got the 6'9" @ 7'6" for a upcoming trip to the key's back country.

Some quick background. I have to buy gear for 2 - one for me and one for my son. So out of the gate if you buy 2 rods each it's $400. So I have to be somewhat frugal with what I buy and spend - so I'm not going high end on my gear. I just can't afford to. I'll look for a Dicks coupon online or whatever and go from there.

With that in mind here are my thoughts:

- these are decent rods that I've had for over a year; they are not ugly sticks for abuse, but they've been into the ceiling fan more than once without an issue

- I have the 7'6" and 7'9" version;

- I really like the 7'6" one MF action M power; it seems to have enough flexibility on the tip to handle the headshakes from the trout, but enough backbone to get the reds in - frankly on the flats you don't have to horse anything in, about the only thing I haven't been able to get in was a 5' shark who swiped a trout; I've had some beefy fish on where I was comfortable with the fight, but lost them on leader failure (I use 20#)

- most importantly to me is that the MF action absorbs a bunch of vibration that would other wise be sent down the rod and into my elbow - where I have tennis elbow; seeing that I cast probably +200-300 times a trip this is a big deal

- the 7'9" I just bought and was testing it out; I like it for the groves a bit more than the 7'6 one - it's a bit firmer at Moderate action; I don't know if it was me or what, but I thought I could feel the difference trying to get the snook out of the groves and into more open water; I got a steal on this rod at $90 it was rod and reel combo loaded with braid (Sabalo 3000, PFINS) - I bought it used, but it's basically new

- I also have a 7' St. Croix Mojo that is moderate action that along with the 7'9' WMc will be top water rods; mainly because of the extra stiffness; I've lost a couple fish at far distances where I though the flimsiness of the MF action cost me - there just wasn't enough beef to set the hook at +30 yards out on a top water

- for now I'm not a fan of anything < 7'; I like to be able to cast as far as I can and the > 7' rods seem to be the ticket; if you'r in the groves < 7' should be OK as you casting short distances

- the upper break in the grip where you can put you finger on the rod blank - silly as it sounds, I do use this; it took a bit to get used to, but I do think you can feel the bite just a bit more; this weekend's snook were very light bites - I swear somewhere between a bream and a bass; if you're heaving spoons or top water this does not come into play as much

Downsides...not too many, but a couple

- the hook holder on the older models (see pic above) was never meant to last; looked good on paper but I knew it was toast; the new models have a real wire hook holder; guess I'm old school because either way I use the outside of the last guide (I can hear the online cringes)

- the color - I'm not a fan of this color at all; I think it's mostly marketing hype and it let's people know that you fish a WMc; in addition to that, over time the color fades; each rod I have is a different shade of blue now; I would rather have it in one color and not make a fashion statement

- the split grip may give you some headaches on the Scotty mounts - see this thread

I like a 2000/2500 series reel on the 7'6 and 3000 series on the 7'9 seems to be money. For the flats I may downgrade to 15# braid soon. For the groves 30# seems to be the ticket.

My $0.02.

Best of luck on the trip...
Last edited by jbdba01 on Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A breezy CRB - 20120211

Post by ruskinTR »

So.....I believe you found my milk crate. It was red. If it is...I sent you a PM. Get ready for a laugh!
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Re: A breezy CRB - 20120211

Post by airwinger63 »

Evening JB ,

Understand the frugal part, I've justed starting fishing and really not looking towards spending a lot of money on big dollars items that I don't need or a lot of dollars replacing junk that doesn't work. My normal rods around Va. Beach (Rudee inlet, Lynnhaven inlet and some creeks) are are Ugly Sticks rods with Mitchell reels(works for me on my Native watercraft Manta Ray 14), my rods and reels for the upcoming trip are..

Wright & McGill Blair Wiggins S-Curve Saltwater Spinning Rods, 6'9" LM (Light Medium) with a Wright & McGill Sabalos Saltwater Spinning Reel 2500 spooled with Power Pro 10lb and Wright & McGill Blair Wiggins S-Curve Saltwater Spinning Rods, 7'6" MMF (Medium-Fast) with a Wright & McGill Sabalos Saltwater Spinning Reel 4000 spooled with Power Pro 20lb, lines with have tippets of fluorocarbon of 10, 20, 30 and 40lbs. You might say I bought into the whole Addictive Fishing theme.

I agree about the hook holders, BPS sells generic holder that look just like them.. I plan on picking up a couple . When I got my rods I order one through Dick's and the other BPS, at BPS they have the wired and rubber hook holders, I wasn't sure which was first and which was second generation, so I grab the rubber one(wired one's blue color was all over the map, some almost white so looked almost blue)

Thanks for the heads up with the W&M's split grips and the Scotty rod holders, I'll do the heatshrink method to the rods before spring.

Any advice for lures for the trip, I’ve already assembled the following for the trip, trying to be prepared to fish all areas, mangroves, channels, flats, topwater and down..

Some weed less spoons (gold, silver (¼, 1/8 oz).
DOA’s CAL heads, (chartreuse, red, 1/8, 1/16 oz).
DOA’s Shrimp (2 and 3 inches) several colors of both sizes.
DOA’s CAL 3’ Shad tail (Root beer/Gold Glitter, Root beer/Chart Tail, New Penny,
Holographic Glitter, Red/Gold Glitter.
DOA’s CAL 4’ Jerk bait (Root beer/Gold Glitter, New Penny).
DOA’s Cigar Clacker.
Gulp’s saltwater Swimming Mullet, Pogy, Jerk Shad, Shrimp.
Heddon’s Super Zara Spook Jr. (Bone, Chartreuse Silver, Clear)

I plan on getting some shrimp/crab once I arrive in the keys.

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A breezy CRB - 20120211

Post by Rik »

IMO all rods should have a hook keeper. Period. I hate hooking lures to a guide. Feels like an incomplete rod to me.

Catching fish has more to do with knowledge then equipment. A good fisherman can outfish a not good fisherman even using a snoopy rod
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Re: A breezy CRB - 20120211

Post by DirksFishin »

Soooo we can expect you to have a snoopy rod at the next tournament?

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Re: A breezy CRB - 20120211

Post by Rik »

Can you wait until I start winning something other than a raffle?
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Re: A breezy CRB - 20120211

Post by Todd »

DirksFishin wrote:Soooo we can expect you to have a snoopy rod at the next tournament?
Trust me, that thought has come up more than once.
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Re: A breezy CRB - 20120211

Post by jbdba01 »

airwinger63 wrote:Evening JB ,

Any advice for lures for the trip, I’ve already assembled the following for the trip, trying to be prepared to fish all areas, mangroves, channels, flats, topwater and down..

Some weed less spoons (gold, silver (¼, 1/8 oz).
DOA’s CAL heads, (chartreuse, red, 1/8, 1/16 oz).
DOA’s Shrimp (2 and 3 inches) several colors of both sizes.
DOA’s CAL 3’ Shad tail (Root beer/Gold Glitter, Root beer/Chart Tail, New Penny,
Holographic Glitter, Red/Gold Glitter.
DOA’s CAL 4’ Jerk bait (Root beer/Gold Glitter, New Penny).
DOA’s Cigar Clacker.
Gulp’s saltwater Swimming Mullet, Pogy, Jerk Shad, Shrimp.
Heddon’s Super Zara Spook Jr. (Bone, Chartreuse Silver, Clear)

I plan on getting some shrimp/crab once I arrive in the keys.

Sounds like you have your bases covered. I just like to have something for all parts of the column of water - top, mid-depth, and bottom.

Not sure what to say about the colors as I suspect each area of the state and specie has different preferences. My thoughts are something light and something dark. If you're targeting snook a white jerk bait might be in the list. Although the "silver britches" pattern above was money here (Ruskin, FL).

If you know someone down where you are going I would ask them what's hitting now. Or call a local tackle shop - they'll want you to be successful so they can sell you more stuff - they also might set you up on some areas (don't expect a honey hole though).

Might be fun to have a tube lure for some cuda. They seem to cooperate a bunch.

For what it's worth you'll probably want to be flexible - I was "targeting trout" (in 20knot winds - good one), ended up seeing reds, but once I saw the snook bite was quasi on that's all I targeted. Go with the flow and take what's given to ya.

Post some photos later and remember your snoopy rod - Rik may have a good deal for ya.

BTW - some other folks can chime in a bunch more -they are much better fishermen than I am; I'm still just getting the hang of things.
Last edited by jbdba01 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A breezy CRB - 20120211

Post by DirksFishin »

Ok Rik upon looking in the garage I have a vintage Barbie Rig that I would like to give to you to use during the next tourney! It belonged to my daughter so she'd be honored if you kicked much arse with it! :clown: It's a push button of course.

I hear possum taste like chicken.
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Re: A breezy CRB - 20120211

Post by jbdba01 »

ruskinTR wrote:So.....I believe you found my milk crate. It was red. If it is...I sent you a PM. Get ready for a laugh!
Seems it has bad mojo...let me know the when's and where's of getting together. Perhaps next Sat 2/25 at CRB.
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