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Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:02 pm
by Redboner
It could have been either one. I grew up in Oldsmar and we occasionally saw Bobcats and Florida Panthers. I agree with Mauso1, if it was an adult Florida Panther you would have been looking at a very large cat. I saw one over in Eastlake Woodlands early one morning while delivering newspapers for a friend. It stopped in the road in front of me, looked straight at me and then bounded across someones lawn. It was an amazing sight.
I have never heard of one attacking anyone, but hey, you never know.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 7:06 am
by DayFisher
My Aunt (Mom's side) used to live down off of alligator alley way back before it was a paved road, I mean in the SWAMP!
Late 70s early 80s we would go down and visit and my uncle would meet us were the road ended and take us in on a huge swamp buggy.
In the mornings we would sit on the 2nd level of their house and watch bears, FL. panthers and deer walk thru the yard and swamp.
Cool memories.........
but no electricity.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 7:47 am
by blindcast
I'm 99.9% sure it was a Bobcat... And a big one. A panther looks much different as stated.

MM, I wasn't in my kayak. I was standing at one end of a long sand bar and the Bobcat crossed over at the other end of it. When it saw me, it didn't exactly haul ass. It stopped looked me up and down, took one step then looked me up and down again before lazily walking into a mangrove island. It WAS NOT concerned.

Redfisher - I'm not talking about some pocket knife...And I'm not saying IF it attacked I wouldn't have some serious injuries BUT what I am saying is that I'm not a gun owner and if I was, I wouldn't bring a gun on my kayak. I would however bring a nice-sized pig sticker so I can defend myself... somewhat.

I don't think these type animals are "man-eaters" but i don't like to leave anything to chance. Cats are jacked up creatures. They're all tripping on some kind of natural psychedelic running through there body. I don't trust them. They freak out in an instant... I know. I have a four inch scar on my leg from a HOUSE CAT... I did something crazy like walk across the room with flip-flops on in my friends house... I guess that was enough for it to decide to attach itself to my leg with every sharp object it had.

...I can't imagine what a dog-size Bobcat would do if it felt like freaking out on me for no reason.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 8:18 am
by Hatch
My client, Big Cat Rescue in Tampa, is a great source for information regarding wild cats and there habits. Here is a link to information on Bobcats and other cats they have rescued. Give Cynthia a call if you want to find out more.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:02 am
by blindcast
Cool. Thanks Hatch!

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:52 pm
by GetRwet
blindcast wrote: Redfisher - I'm not talking about some pocket knife...And I'm not saying IF it attacked I wouldn't have some serious injuries BUT what I am saying is that I'm not a gun owner and if I was, I wouldn't bring a gun on my kayak. I would however bring a nice-sized pig sticker so I can defend myself... somewhat.
Pepper spray would be better than a knife I would think. But nothing to worry about with those little pussy cats! More likely to get bitten by a rattler, chomped by a gator, or pounced by a black bear.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:44 am
by blindcast
Good thinking! Thanks


Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:48 pm
by Wuluf
Blindcast, did it have a saddle on it's back...cause I lost my ride down there last week.

Actually we have seen a bobcat walk the length of our fence line, and it was bigger than I expected. They are very private creatures. Growing up in the sticks of East Tennessee I have heard them at night (they scream), but I have never actually seen one.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:54 pm
by Redfisher
GetRwet wrote:
blindcast wrote: Redfisher - I'm not talking about some pocket knife...And I'm not saying IF it attacked I wouldn't have some serious injuries BUT what I am saying is that I'm not a gun owner and if I was, I wouldn't bring a gun on my kayak. I would however bring a nice-sized pig sticker so I can defend myself... somewhat.
Pepper spray would be better than a knife I would think. But nothing to worry about with those little pussy cats! More likely to get bitten by a rattler, chomped by a gator, or pounced by a black bear.
Yeah ,thanks alot! :D I try to forget about all the critters and just fish but just yesterday I was out and I was seeing alot of stingrays. Now I am very careful around those guys but as I walked back to my boat I steped on my anchor and freaked out. :D

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:54 pm
by shamus
Ever been tracked by a panther while hunting, I have, it's not cool! Chills up the spine.
While Elk hunting in Oregon I went down a huge draw. A few hours later me and my buddy came back up the same draw. He turns a says to me. "nice, while were tracking Elk a Cougar was tracking us" I look down a there are Cougar tracks as wide as your hand mixed in with our old footprints. Chills up and down your spine - yeah I know that feeling :shock:

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:21 pm
by TerryW
I was flyfishing with a guide for salmon along a riverbed in Alaska two years ago We looked up and there were TWO bears just up river from us. Personally, I much prefer bobcat sightings. They won't hurt you or me unless you try to steal their bunny dinner.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 7:52 am
by blindcast
Ohhhh, bears? No thank you!

I was camping in Yosemite years ago and woke up to the grass matted down all around our tent and my dad telling me how we woke up to a bear sniffing around the area where my head was.

I didn't hear a thing but I felt a bit weak in the stomach listening to him. It could have been very bad.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 12:56 pm
by reel fun
cats big and small will run from you unless the're threatened, i would love to see one of those in the wild, cool deal man!!

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