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Wakulla Beach 11-04-06 High Winds

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 7:58 pm
by jsuber
What a day. The morning started out at 36 deg F at my house so I hung around cleaning reels, washing fishing clothes, and putting new line on reels until the temperature went up a little. I went out to Wakulla Beach and decided to fish the place that I had as Chart of the Month. The tide was still coming in so it was a good time to go back up in the creeks with the tide, but the head on winds took the fun out of that. I fished up at the mouth for a little while and had no luck so I ducked back in to the creeks. I was paddling very close to the grass to stay out of the wind, when I heard a rustle. It wasn’t reindeer that flew out across the bow of my kayak, but an alligator. He was all of 7 feet long or better. Scared me pretty good. Nothing like an alligator missile being launched near you to wake you up quick. Just as I was getting over that I saw another on laying on a bank, getting a sun tan. I guess they were warming up after the chilly morning. I pulled the camera from my pocket, snapped a photo, and put it back. I then made a cast, and Red Daddy hit it just as it hit the water. He wasn’t particularly big, but he did put up a really good fight. And where did that gator on the bank go. Anyway, I looked him over, made another cast and picked up his little brother, then all hell broke loose. No sooner did I get that little fellar on the line, and fish starting scattering all over the place. I must have been in a pool of fish and the gator gave them reason to run. Oh well, it was a pretty good day. Way better than a skunk, and I got to do a little exploring in a place I never been to before.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:51 pm
by LivelyBaits
Great googly moogly.

That's an up close and personal gator shot!

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:24 pm
by saltwater_cowboy
Wow! :shock:

I fished the Wakulla Beach area a lot while living in Tally for 9 years and never saw one gator......but admittedly I never went too far up Goose Creek....over by the lighthouse in St. Marks however.....whoo boy, let's just say you will never see me wading over by that area. I always considered those guys wade fishing off of that rip rap wall (that leads out of the refuge's boat launch) to be living on borrowed time!

Congrats on the fish!

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:31 pm
by noles
guys wade fishing off of that rip rap wall (that leads out of the refuge's boat launch) to be living on borrowed time!
I did that a couple of times until I saw a gator swim by not 20' away...

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:01 pm
by jsuber
The pools by Stony Bayou are holding hundreds of gators. I saw gators Saturday and it was 27 deg F in the morning and 64 in the afternoon. It was the afternoon when I saw them.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:37 pm
by MrSpectaculous
The real giants never get seen...they don't get that big being careless

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 10:18 pm
by BearsFan
I am sure I know that gator, they should all stay in gainesville