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not a fishing report

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 2:39 pm
by ray-uk
Evenin all, our river season opens in a few weeks, so today I went to do a “work party” on a stretch of river that belongs to a small syndicate I am a member of.

Our work party normally consists of a good clean up of any litter that may have been left by the winter floods, plus a bit of general maintenance here and there.

I arrived around 09:30, one of the lads was already there and had the kettle on(damn fine chap indeed), whilst we chatted and waited for the others over a cup of tea and biscuits, we had a quick look at the river next to the caravan we have there.
there was a shoal of rather nice sized chub just sitting there, gently swaying in the flow, despite us standing and casting a shadow, they did not seem bothered, they just stayed there letting us watch them.(when the season opens you can bet your ass they will be nowhere around)

The chub were just under the overhanging tree in 2½ft of water.


The others arrived for 10:00, and after another cup of tea, we walked the river.
We picked up litter as we went, we fixed a couple of fences, we fish spotted as we walked/worked.


Plenty of fish were seen, mostly chub, we did see a pike sitting close to the near bank, waiting for its next meal to pass it by.

After a few hours, we headed back to the caravan for a tea break, we chatted about this that and the other whilst we continued to eat johns choccy biscuits, dunked in the tea of course.

One of the lads had made some old fashioned floats/bobbers for us (modern day floats are made of plastic)

And rather nice they are, cant wait to try em out.


It started raining so we decided to call it quits for today.

With one last look at the river until we can actually fish it (june 16th) we headed off.

yup, was a hard day indeed.


Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 3:07 pm
by silentrunning
What a beautiful river! I can just imagine a sunny afternoon, a large blanket, a full picnic basket, a beautiful girl and a nice bottle of wine......


Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:14 pm
by TerryW
Ray - you guys are really a bunch of sissies over there across the pond.

Lads --- we have real men.

Tea? We drink BEER when fishing or cleaning up the fishing spot.

What the heck is a CHUB anyway? Here in Central FLA it is about the size of my index finger and we use it for bait. BAIT

johns choccy biscuits - surely you jest.

gently swaying in the flow -- your pals are over here fighting the surf and sharks to get to the tarpon and you are eating biscuits on a gentle river? Get a grip, dude.

bobbers? BOBBERS? Wait until that real man Rik reads this. He'll set you straight.

:lol: When are you coming back over here to catch real fish with real men (and me) ?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:29 pm
by LivelyBaits
TerryW wrote:
What the heck is a CHUB anyway?
I know this one. Probably the same across the pond as it is here.

Hey Ray,
When are you coming back over here? Maybe there will be another party at the White House we can attend together again!

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 1:59 am
by ray-uk
Lads --- we have real men.
your "real men" wear crocs, nuff said.

Tea? We drink BEER when fishing or cleaning up the fishing spot.
you guys only drink beer cos you cant make tea, nuff said.

What the heck is a CHUB anyway?
chub over here are a very hard fighting predator.

Here in Central FLA it is about the size of my index finger and we use it for bait. BAIT
<<<<expletive>>>>live baiter's.

gently swaying in the flow -- your pals are over here fighting the surf and sharks to get to the tarpon and you are eating biscuits on a gentle river? Get a grip, dude.
unfortunately we do not have tarpon or sharks in our rivers or lakes, otherwise i would be fishing for them.

When are you coming back over here
not sure Neil, wont be for a while yet though.


Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:23 am
by TerryW
chubs :lol:

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 12:33 pm
by makenmend
Ray they drink beer? real ale is just to much to handle :lol:
