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The BigCatch Chronicles "Aerial"7/22/11

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:10 pm
by mangohunter
I decided to make it a quick trip and head out to my favorite spot. I make the paddle out to my spot and see a few fish rolling. Two minutes into my arrival I was hooked on my first fish. Faught him for a few and brought him yak side for a clean release.
I went 5 for 5 on Tarpon this day with one fish giving me a great show! Fish jumped over a dozen times with one really close or better yet near miss of hitting me and landing inside my kayak.
Than shark week began a little to early! After bringing in my last Tarpon I watch it get wild again yak side and knew something was wrong. Sure enough my experience with these fish and their behavior was right on! A 7 foot foot bull-shark came charging in out of the wood works and ate my tarpon with only two bites feet from my yak.I have no pic's as I was in shock and mesmerized by this display of sheer power.
Soon after that I hook a big nurse shark. By far the widest one I have ever caught!
All and all a great day on the water after a long week of work!

Re: The BigCatch Chronicles "Aerial"7/22/11

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:11 pm
by John
Nice mornings work mate!

Re: The BigCatch Chronicles "Aerial"7/22/11

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:42 pm
by DaveR
Any shot of an airborne fish is a good one!

Re: The BigCatch Chronicles "Aerial"7/22/11

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:47 pm
by Rik
What size are those fish? In one shot it looks big, in another not so much.

And size isn't important other than for context. Not asking for any 'macho' reasons. 30 pound tarpon are one of the most fun fish to catch. 130 pound ain't bad either.....

Re: The BigCatch Chronicles "Aerial"7/22/11

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:54 am
by mangohunter
Fish vary in size from 40 to 50lb lately. Most of the big fish have moved on or they just get beaten to my bait so I get stuck fighting the little guys. The aerial shot was taken at a distance so the fish looks small. The fish was around 50lb or so before it was eaten

Re: The BigCatch Chronicles "Aerial"7/22/11

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:21 pm
by miket1515
Nice pictures Mangohunter. Where were you fishing at?

Re: The BigCatch Chronicles "Aerial"7/22/11

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:15 pm
by Wuluf
Don't worry about me poaching your spot in a kayak. I will pass on bull sharks dining kayak side.