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Hello, easy on the bovines please :)

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:42 pm
by YakDreams
Hi fellow kayak fishers. Neil here from Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.

I have been trying to get down to the sunny south for a fish for a couple years now and it looks like things might be shaping up for the Weedon event October 27th. I need to thank Brian for letting me know about the tournament and offering up some help with gear and what not, totally awesome. I've certainly met some great people since I got into this passion, and Brian and Holly are amongst the best of the bunch :)

Hope you can all put up with me for a day. I might need a little help lining up a rental kayak, I'm currently living with a not so happy rotator cuff so pedals preferred.

Here's one of my recent catches from Lake Ontario, the salmon came in early this year, this was one of several I got that morning (going back on Sunday for some more!);

Hoping to see my new neighbour at the Weedon event too.



Re: Hello, easy on the bovines please :)

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:16 am
by DoubleM
Nice catch! Welcome aboard.