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Lake Manatee 11/8

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 10:38 pm
by Pirogue
I had taken the 8th off as a vacation day from work. Originally it was going to be a take a Liberal fishing day, but I decided I just needed to get out by myself for a while. Besides, I do not fish well with others.

During the week I had some PM chatter going on with Gibby regarding some "fly stuff" and Lake Manatee. So I set it as a destination for the morning. After a leisurely drive down, I put my stuff together in my Stepfather's little pontoon and set out. The morning was nice although it was a little windy. I found a shoreline and started hitting it with a #8 popper. After a few casts, I switched over to my other rod that was rigged with a Myakka Minnow. But, I was not feeling it and switched back to the popper.

I don't know what it is. I am hooked on the top water. Maybe it is because I learned how to using a popper. Maybe the gentleness of the sinking fly makes me think nothing is working. I have caught fish on sinking flies. Have caught rainbows and steelhead on the San Juan River on #26 flies so I know they work. Don't know. But back to the popper it was.


Nothing. Nada, zip. Not even a little kiss.

Remembering some posts by Gibby and Greg, I decided to go with the popper/ dropper set up. With all of the fly swaps I have been involved with, I had a few bead head nymphs in my arsenal and tied one on. Almost immediately I had a strike and soon landed my first of many little bluegills. Then I ended up picking up a couple on the popper before I called it a morning.

Now, I need to head over to Flint Creek and get some beads so I can start tying up some nymphs (flies that is, get your head out of the gutter).

Here are some pictures of a few of my monster fish. Can't wait to get out again.


Re: Lake Manatee 11/8

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 8:42 am
by BigFlyReel
Nicely done! That little pontoon jobber looks like just the ticket.

Re: Lake Manatee 11/8

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:18 am
by Gibby3474
Good job and nice pics!

I understand the attraction of topwater and how you can get "hooked" on it. However, there's a better bite subsurface.

Used to be, I would head out and cast poppers until the bite ended. I'd then go home.

But after I began casting nymphs, Myakka Minnows and other subsurface flies, I realized the bite had only just begun. It has extended many a day and I've found the fishing and catching actually is better. It's just a matter of developing confidence in the flies you're casting.

Re: Lake Manatee 11/8

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:49 am
by John
I've had great success with this fly for Bluegills and Bass, even small peacocks too. ... 00fotw.php