Super Secret Spot: The kidnapping

Flamingo to Big Bend
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Super Secret Spot: The kidnapping

Post by CooKnFish »

My buddy, Joel, ambushed me after I left work today and made me do something I haven't done in a while... seawall fishing. He blindfolded me and stuffed me in the truck. Judging by the length of ride and the view of the surroundings once the blindfold was removed, I could tell that we were somewhere in the Tampa Bay.

We had an awesome evening! Some friendly jabbing about who's going to catch the most fish (the livebaiter or the artificial guy) and some good fish tales was just what I needed to take my mind off being hijacked.

Right off the bat Joel hooks into a redfish that eventually won the battle after breaking the rod and snapping the line. We watched the bobber swim off into the sunset like a scene in Jaws when they harpooned the barrels to the shark. A little later, we saw the barrel... I mean bobber pop up on the flats. Luckily, Joel had thrown every piece of tackle he owned in the back of the truck so he had a backup rig and was able to keep fishing.

We caught some nice reds, black drum, and snook between the both of us and we were only there a couple of hours. After it became dark, the bite turned off so we called it a night. Joel stuffed me back in the truck and replaced the blindfold for the ride home. Thanks again Joel... for stopping before shoving me out!

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Post by prowler13angler »

Nice fish!!

Looks like something fun...i need to do some saltwater fishing going crazy! Haven't caught a redfish in over a month in a half.
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Post by RobKelley »

Nice fish guys.

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