Never got there

Naples to West Palm and south, including the Keys
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Never got there

Post by TK »

The plan was to fish for reds on Snake Bight. When I got to flamingo this morning, 90% of the boats had launched out back, so I was second guessing my decision.

Being stubborn I launched out front anyway and started making my way to Snake Bight. I never got there.

I spent 3+ hours in one 20 yard stretch of mangrove and never went more than 10 minutes without catching a snook. Most were 24-27, with one 30+ and one at 22. Also managed a small tarpon and a 5 lb jew fish. I lost count, but went through 1.5 packs of gulp shrimp. Each was good for at least one fish, but most got at least two. They seemed to like new penny better than molting.

Anywhere the small tarpon started rolling I was throwing and there were snook there. It was great. The spot is normally a high tide spot for me and all fish were caught on the middle to very end of the fall.

As I was paddling toward the spot, I saw a canoe anchored up and thought to myself, shiat, I guess they're in that spot. Well they were anchored 50 yards or so from the spot and they got watch me catch fish, while they struggled.

The tide finally quit and the wnd picked up, so I wasn't going to wait out the tide. After the 100+ mile drive, was cleaned up and napping on the couch by 1:30.
"I am trying to catch tarpon, but these snook keep getting in the way!"
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